Mission impossible 2

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?  

There are only 3 titles the producer Tage and the director tag and the title of the movie. This movie decided to take the fast option giving you the most important tags for the opening. To get their idea across quickly on what type of movie it is going to be. 

2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do you they make you feel)  

The titles are in between very intense images, editing, and sound going on with the titles it makes me feel pumped and ready to watch a action packed movie. The opening gets you prepared for the intensity of the movie. 

3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you  
tell what genre the film is) through action/interaction.  

Action / interaction Is different in every movie but what ties them together is the certain mood / action each genre creates that is implemented in the movie. Each genre leaves a blueprint to follow and not leave track of if you follow from that you can view each genre for example film giving you an intense opening with weapons that’s viewed as action. 

4. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? 
Do not forget your media 

 The props, characters, and costume Definity plays an important role in targeting the audience. Costumes can determine whether children can watch it or not due to it being inappropriate. A certain character list like actors that usually film for children movies and gets a role for a different kind of movie will bring more attention to the movie. Also, the specific props can also target audience for example the movie using magic as their primary weapon system more sci fi people would attract to it more  


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