Filming 2 day

 hey guys today was a very convenient film session for us with time. Well to explain today was a personal study day which meant we got out of school early. During this day my group mates were very serious on filming today because of the advantages we had. The advantages were time, we had so much time since dismissal was 11:40. Another advantage was the availabilities, every one was here it was amazing early afternoon filming was a blast. Me and my group mates decided to film my parts the next day. They only filmed last scene of the opening sequence. Even though it doesn't sound like we accomplished anything today my group mates definitely did , also the day nothing went wrong everything was going right except the day was a bit hot but it was manageable. While we were out there we realized some things we had to mortify. Nothing dramatic we aren't changing the idea we just seen a creative angle we wanted to change it to. We noticed that we could shift of the camera angle to more of a tracking shot. Honestly we were already thinking about making a certain change but we just couldn’t see what we needed to fix until today. Changing some of the scenes to a tracking shot really ties in with what we’re making. We are making a film that involves a good amount of running Changing those scene angles made sense. So my group mates left my scenes for another day to film. The reason for this is to evaluate the filming from today. I also need to film individual shots like 1. A medium shot of you texting someone2. A close up of a phone 3.A medium shot of you getting your bag 4. A close up of some personal items. After that we will have everything we need to finalize the project 


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