Failed filming
Today me and my groups mates were planning on filming. We tried to plan the day prior to get everyone’s guardian on board with a flexible time. Transportation scheduling couldn’t be done.2 days before film day I was under the impression of having practice. With that information I had to plan how can I film with my group mates and make it to practice on time. One day before filming day one of our group mates couldn’t make it to. With that new information we had to plan the specific shots with missing one group mate. With one day remaining we had to think about what props to use for specific scenes. We had to bring basketball and football to shoot the scene with me and another. Also had to get permission from adults like 7/11 worker police offer at the school. We got a yes from the police officer to shoot with us. So, it’s film day and at the start of the morning I ask everyone what are we wearing? Kayla said athletic apparel. Also, I had to put a hole in my shirt to mark it more dramatic. Also reminded everyone that was bring anything to bring them. Mid-morning Another group mate can’t make it. Then it started raining, the rain made us ultimately cancel. The rain restricted a good majority of our Scenes we’re supposed to be filmed outdoors.
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