Queued In Quads
Hey everyone my name is Hervis Guerrier and my group mates are Kayla, Ariel, and Zahra. First lets talk about the last group assignment we had together was really great went very smooth. Everything worked out like I said our charaterics matched and we clicked. The way we fit was individual for example, I fit in this group, I personally think I bring so much as a group mate. Even though I’m a primarily independent person I think I hold my own weight in a group. That attribute I obtain would me help me help others. I also tend to do assigned work early because I’m a student athlete and I have to manage my time well. Also I tend to get along with anyone so I don’t think there will be any conflicts with my group mates. Now for Kayla is the definition of a leader I’ve worked with her in the past in groups and all the times she was the leader, she does a great job of keeping everyone on task and works throughout everyone’s weaknesses...