Eventful-funny day

 My days before filming was pretty eventful. I had a wedding that my sister wanted me to attend so I didn't have any chance to record until the next week. That week ended off with a massive delay from my friend's car breaking down in Orlando. The day I assigned to record with my brother was so late so couldn't record some clips because of the setting of our theme.so I only filmed about 6 to 7 clips. We had to redo them so many times because the whole theme was sad and gloomy. But my brother kept making me laugh. But we took a small break for me to lock in and stop laughing. This second round I wasn't joking. I was very determined to finish these clips and I did. But I still had a lot of redoes because of the odd items. Like different lights in the different clips. Overall, the first clip was a three take and was pretty well set out what I thought vs what I recorded was pretty accurate. Overall, the second clips were a two take those clips were the easiest to mess up because background I forgot the tv and the lights, so it had to be a second take. The third clip was a two take because I had the wrong emotion. The fourth clip was a three take because my brother couldn't get the correct over the shoulder shots but once I finally showed him, he did a very good job. The fifth clip was a three take once again the over the shoulder clip got messed up because my head was in the way. The sixth clip was a two take the recorder couldn't get the right pan on the book slam. The Seventh clip was the only clip where the first one was the best one which was pretty great cause by then we had signals to stop and start recording. Having my brother assist me with recording really was the best thing for me because it made it easier. Overall, it was challenging to get the right date to record but recording was easy but just had a lot of redoes because we wanted it near perfect.


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